Wednesday, March 19, 2008

Eight significant quotes

1. "This long road to recovery had taught me life is precious. i had learnt this the hard way.i had come within an inch of losing all my movement and, but above all i had gained an understanding of the cards that i had been playing with. this scared me" (Grylls 8). This quote describes Bears reaction to when he broke his back jumping out of a plane. This is a significant quote because it is the main source of Bears appreciation for like. This will appear later in the book when Bear shows great presence of mind even in the thin air on Everest. Bear knows his limits and the dangers and because of this near death event Bear will make more rational descsions and possibly save his own life.
2."It has taken all my energy and resourcefulness to raise the finance to organize this expedition for myself; i doubt if i could do it again. Because of this, I'm well aware i've only got one chance up there"(Grylls 43). This quote was taken from one of Bear's journal entries and has a great importance through out the book. Bear knows that this will be his only chance to climb Everest so he must reach the summit now if he is ever going to. This fact will help Bear carry on when no one else has the energy. In the end it is this little piece of knowledge that gets bear to the summit.
3."another very cold night here, but I'm slowly learning the tricks of the trade. The most fundamental one being to fill a water bottle with boiling water keeps the toes warm for hours, and evokes all sorts of good emotions"(Grylls 65) This is an important quote because it shows Bears ability to adapt to all sorts of conditions. Bear is always coming up with innovative ways to make his tent more comfortable or keep warm on a cold night. This quality helps Bear get along with his team during the long months awaiting the summit by making their lives more comfortable.
4"I woke up from a deep slumber to the sound of excited voices outside my tent. Sherpas were scurrying around frantically"(Grylls 158). This is a important quote because it is the start of the most dangerous part of the climb. This is the day that the summit attempt starts. The last year of training and three months acclimatizing all comes down to one climb. It will take over thirty six hours were no sleep will be attained and over thirty thousand vertical feet covered. This is the beginning to the real journey so it is basically everything the book has lead up to.
5"Promise me you won't go up there while your like this. promise, Bear. Don't be stupid. You know what would happen, okay?"( Grylls182). Family is very important in this book and this is Lara Bear's sister telling him not to climb until he feels better. If it was not for this call Bear might have gone ahead with the climb and the results could have been catastrophic. This is important to the overall theme of family too.
6"I felt that this was all i had up here. My God was the only person i felt who understood me now"(Grylls 232). Through out the book Bear has received a lot of comfort in God and now he needs him more than ever. This quote is important because it shows how Bear made it this far and just needed a little help to make that last push. God is very significant in Bears like and this shows how he relies on him for support.
7"I feel pressure to climb well and live up to their standards; it frightens me"(Grylls 116). This quote is significant because it makes Bear seem more real. This fear and vulnerability shows how Bear is still really just a kid and at age twenty three he is. This quote leads to a better understanding of the struggles he faced feeling like he had to keep up.
8."Mick and i were traveling about four weeks ahead of Neil and Geoffrey, the idea being to get a little extra time at high altitude before the climb itself would start. We wanted to really begin to focus on the job ahead; away form the "busyness" of before"(Grylls 39). Although this quote may seem relatively insignificant it was the key to Bear and Mick's success. While the others turned back on the trip to the summit Bear and Mick had the stamina to carry on because of the extra month spent in the mountains. Also by the time the expedition began they were both completely ready while others still questioned their ability and the risk.

The kid who climbed Everest

Last night i read about a hundred and twenty pages from my book not just because it is due on Friday but it actually got really exciting so I'm going to try to give a short summary of the plot and the thematic ideas then on my next blog put eight quotes. after the team arrives they start acclimatizing by going up and down the mountian. there are a few close encounters but everyone survives. Then they go down from base camp into a village to rest for a few days until they get the call to climb. when the time comes Bear is not ready to go because he is sick so the rest of the team goes with out him. not long after he leaves he starts feeling better so he goes to camp two and wait for a call saying the weather was clear for him finally it comes and he ascends with a small group of six people they make the summit safely and return down. some thematic ideas are patience, team work, companionship, perseverance, and hard work these are all shown through the hard times all the climbers face. In the end these are the things that help Bear get through his struggles and summit.

Saturday, March 15, 2008

The kid who climbed Everest

after reaching base camp Bear and Mick go back down the mountain for rest. already Bear is relaying heavily on Mick for emotional support. He misses his family and must get over this first lonely hurdle to enable himself to climb Everest. Mick has always been Bears best friend and before they left his mother had told Bear " as long as you two are together Mick will be safe" this shows how close their bond is and that they would never allow the other to get hurt. After a couple days resting in town Bear and Mick go back up and make some short day trips towards camp one. Then they wait for the rest of the team to arrive.

The kid who climbed Everest

Through out his long hard journey Bear often feels lonley and hopless so he uses special items he brought from home to cheer himself up. and being the religious man he is he prayed every night for the saftey of his team. With out the moral support of his family and the spiratual help he found in God Bear would never have climbed everest. he says in his journal that the Lord has always lead him and he hoped he would not loose sight of him on the long journey ahead.

Sunday, March 9, 2008

Edina Hockey and stuff

Saturdays game was a big disappointment Edina couldn't generate any offense and ended up getting shut out three to nothing. Up to Saturdays game Edina looked great but they all looked worn out from only playing two lines. Other than the disappointing lose the state tournament was fun i went to Cosetta's every day and the hockey expo was a lot of fun this year. On Saturday i had four extra tickets and i made one hundred and fifty dollars scalping them and on Sunday i bought seven tickets and made another hundred dollars off of them. Also on Thursday and Friday i sat in a suite which was fun and Saturday the student section was fun until the last five minutes.

The kid who climbed Everest

When Bear and Mick arrive at the foothills of the Himalayas they know they have a long road ahead. After riding a helicopter to about 8000 feet Bear and Mick are drooped off in a small village from here its is 10000 vertical feet to base camp. Yaks will bring all their equipment up when the rest of the team arrives in two weeks. For now Bear and Mick will have to carry all their equipment with them. After one days rest they decided to begin their journey up to base camp they pack up everything they need to take with them and head out. from this point up the technology basically disappears along with any real comfort for the next three months in their long expedition to climb Everest.

Saturday, March 1, 2008

The kid who climbed Everest

In preparation for his climb bear went some where in the Himalayas and climbed to seventh tallest peak in the world which was still almost a mile shorter than Everest. After he returned home an got his sponsorship him and Mick left two weeks early to acclimatize. The air lines flew them over first class and when they went over Everest they went in the cockpit and the pilot told them it was negative fifty five. after they arrived they spent a few days in town then got a helicopter into the foot hills of the Himalayas to start towards base camp so they could acclimatize. The reason they wanted to go early is because eighty percent of the climbers that reach the summit spent at least an extra week acclimatizing and they figured they needed all they help they could get.

Friday, February 29, 2008

Edina Hockey and stuff

I was at the game on Wednesday and it was pretty exciting. Now next week we get to miss a lot of Thursday for a eleven o'clock game. I might go down on Friday to and watch some of the day games if my schedule allows. I missed third period and out today because my hockey team had our regional tournament and if we win on Sunday i get to miss the Friday after the next for our state tournament. I really enjoy the movie we watched this week and im a little disapointed i missed the ending. I started to see some connections to the Odessey on thursday. when i left after second hour i came to turn in my paper but the other teacher was in there teaching.

Sunday, February 24, 2008

The kid who climbed Everest

then one day a couple years later Bear heard an old friend from the army was setting up an expedition. he was sure he wanted to go because it had been his dream since chikdhood and he had always wanted to try. once he made his descion Bear found out who else was going Mick, Neil and Geoffrey would accompany him up the mountian. the next months were spent training rigorusly each day and trying to find a sponser to cover the cost of over twenty three thousand dollars. this was proving harder than Bear expected. After being turned down hundreds of times Bear was begining to think he would never find anyone to sponser him. Then one day on his run to work he passed a building with everest in its name. he asked they accepted now Bear was good to go.

Fridays class

I like the format of the essay even though i dont like essays. i also like it when we get work time in class because the i dont have to do as much as homework. on friday i got almost two paragraphs finished so now i just have to type them. it is also nice when we can get the computer lab so i can just type it on the spot and be finished. i was glad you let me take that quiz because it would have been hard to recover my grade from that.

Saturday, February 16, 2008

The kid who climbed Everest

In the begining of the book Bear is taking about his like prior to the climb. He was in the army and suffered an accident while parachueting and broke his back pretty badly. it was a miricle that he recovered fully and so at that point he left the military and got a job. his like long passion was the outdoors he loved hiking, climbing, camping and anthing else that could get him outside and active. so he was not to keen of his new job an a office. Also his dream since he was a child was to climb Everest he had a poster in his room that he used to stare at and day dream about climbing Everst.

Friday, February 15, 2008

The Giant Quiz

i thought it was a little unfair with the time restrictions we had. seeing as the majority of the class took about thirty five minutes to finish the little quiz having a twenty question quiz with only fifty five minutes to finsish seems a little unreasonable. also once i turned mine in i noticed alot of people were writing paragraphs were as i just put a clear simple sentance or two. I think next class we should have a half an hour to look over and revise what we finished. My outside reading book came yesterday and it looks interesting. its about bear Grylls climbing everest at the age of 23.

Wednesday, January 9, 2008

OR Q2 Finally my last one i HATE BLOGING!!!!!!!!

Well i am not happy right now i plan on writing this then revising almost all my previous posts because they do not contain any quotes or literary topic. I think i will finish doing my Spanish oral report tonight which wont be very good but i don't think it really matters because our teacher grades pretty easy. so tomorrow i will be doing my top ten list which frankly i have no clue how to do but that's OK because i don't have to do it now. my outside reading book really wasn't any good but i got one for next quarter that Bear Grylls wrote and hes pretty tight so that should be better. i also do not like essay tests but the ones in English aren't as bad as the euro ones.

And in the end they find the records containing who their parents were and they are all very happy.

Tuesday, January 8, 2008


when max got there and found angel she was happy but they needed to get out. max also saw Jeb there the scientist who had helped them escape the first time and they thought he was dead this really upset max. after two or three days the decided to dispose of max and angle and the others so they brought them outside but when the got out there Iggy and Gazzy had come to their rescue and they all managed to escape. once they were gone angle told max she had over heard something about another lab in new york that had all the information about them so they started for new York.

(354) "' guess what?' i can breathe under water!"
this quote doesnt real pertain to any thing but i think it is funny how she says it she doesnt even seem exited about her new skill.