Saturday, November 17, 2007


The book i am reading this quarter is titled Maximum Ride : The Angel Experiment written by James Patterson. The book is about five kids that were genetically engineered to have superpowers and wings. They all are living alone together in the woods. They lead a simple life with only one concern, Erasers. Erasers are half man half wolf creatures made from the same lad the five children were made from but the Erasers wanted the children back so the would come and try to capture them and bring them back to the lab to be tested the dissected. One morning all five children were going to pick berries and a bunch of Erasers came out of the woods. There was a big fight and the Erasers got away with the youngest of the five, Angle. This is when Max, the leader decides they have to fly to the lab and save her.

(141) the quote is really long so i will just summerize it.
this is a quote were Max the leader of the group tells the group of mutants that they need to stick together and everthing will be alright.

I like this quote because coming from a child it seems to really show how much they care about each other.

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